Monday, March 4, 2013

There's a hole in the ground

Hello all,

I wanted to post a few progression pictures between last week and when I stopped over today.  It's coming along and looking great so far!

Before I get into that, I do want to share some stresses I’ve been going through since the groundbreaking.  Making such a huge commitment like this, it's only natural to second guess a couple things, right? While I couldn't be more excited about this house,  recently after they started digging I've been stressing out a little over the size and landscape of the yard and how close the houses are together.

First off, I don’t think it helps that the neighboring house is being built at the same time as us.  This is because the holes they dig for the houses are larger than the actual main frame of the house.  So seeing the two holes next to each other I felt like they were so close.  Kevin felt the same way but after last week he assured me it looked much better now that foundation is starting.  So when I went today I totally agreed that they look much more spaced apart that we were envisioning before!

 As for the yard, we are right on a turn/hill where there is a slope that leads up to the woods that starts right behind us (which we love that we'll have the woods by the way!).  Our neighbor whose house is already built on one side has a yard that runs right into the steep part of the slope, therefore cutting off their yard, while the other neighbor's yard goes level.  It’s still hard to tell how our yard is going to pan out after they clear the area and flatten it out, but we are right in the middle of where the slope evens out. So that makes me nervous until I see it cleared.

I have to say that after seeing the lot today and walking all around the hole, I’m feeling MUCH better about the yard.   They now have the main base frame built so I can see the exact edges of the house, so its getting easier to envision.   The yard still isn't going to be huge (which we knew from the get go), but the way it's looking  I’m feeling better that our yard is going to be spacious enough and isn't going to be cut off by the slope too much.  I'm hoping in about 2 weeks we'll have a better idea of how the yard is looking.  Fingers crossed!

So let’s take a look:

These first photos kevin took last Wednesday.  As you can see there was still a lot of digging to be done and this was already a week after they started. It was so rocky! (I saved a piece of the rock as a memento!)

These next ones are from just two days later on Friday when they were adding the wood to get ready to start the foundation. In the second photo, my mind is already easing a bit that the slope to the woods isn't too bad.

When I came today, the first part of the foundation was now built with hay over it.  That means they are about ready to start building up the foundation!

Now this is what has been easing my mind a bit about the yard.  Here is a photo of our neighbor's house who is about 2 weeks ahead of us.  Once they get the foundation done, they do clear out and flatten your yard so you can see how it's going to look.  The second picture is a view of how ours looks now and the other neighbors yard that DOES cut into that slope.  The last photo is how our yard is looking from the other end. 

This view is from the backyard looking to the front.  This will be our new neighborhood!  Obviously you can see what I mean when I said our lot was super rocky! I'll be happy when all that rock is cleared out and it's all yard!

 I hope you enjoyed the updates, and thanks for bearing with me on my thoughts on the yard so far.  No matter what, I know it's going to be great and the house is exactly what we've always wanted and I couldn't be more excited!!  I think it's just hard to tell what things are going to look like when they start.  Either way, as mentioned earlier...I'm already feeling much better about this.

I'm so excited to see how fast things go from here.  Stay tuned for the next post!!  Let's also hope the weather starts getting nicer too. I'm already loving that it was still light out by the time I got there (close to 6:30pm).



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