Thursday, March 14, 2013

"bumping" along


I've been obsessed and have driven by the house every day except one day this week!  They've got all of the plumbing in place and a wrap around the foundation (I'm sure kevin will yell at me for using the wrong word, but i dont know what you call the "wrap"!).  Today when I drove by, I saw a ton of lumber sitting across the street and for a second thought it was ours!! However, it's the neighbors (their lot number is labeled on the side).  I'm hoping ours will come by next week since our place looks pretty close to the status of the neighbors.

Here's a pic of the "wrap" I'm referring to. (by the way I just figured out how to make the pictures larger!)

In other news, I'm starting to feel like we are officially coming to the homestretch!  Obviously there is still a long way to go on the actual building of the house house and it's not even halfway done, but just the homestretch of everything going on.  This Saturday we are moving about everything out into storage and this Sunday I start my third trimester!  Since the moment we knew we were pregnant, we had talked about wanting to get a new house before the baby and back then if felt like we had so long to get to this point.  Then since the start of this year with signing on for this house, selling our house and finding out the gender of the baby, things really started happening.  Now everything is REALLY happening and everything is about ready for us to just sit back and wait over the next 2.5 months!  I just can't believe this is all happening!  So much change in such a short amount of time. 

So to take a little pause from house talk...let's do a little baby talk!  Baby boy Lawler has been kicking up a storm.  I think he must be filling into his tall genes because he's been kicking really high up by my ribs (and sometimes what feels like into my ribs!).  Kevin has been enjoying feeling the kicks too.  As a matter of fact, he's giving me a few nudges right now! Soon we'll also have our childbirth classes and baby showers.  I'm getting so excited for the baby to come!  I have decided to keep my "bump" pictures off of facebook for the most part, but I guess I'll share some on here to share my progression.

Here is where I was at 21 weeks when I really started to see more of a bump "definition" starting.

Here's how we're growing now at 27.5 weeks - just a few weeks later than the pic before.  Crazy how a few weeks makes such a difference at this point!

 Hopefully by next post, we might have our lumber delivered to start framing!!!

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