Sunday, March 31, 2013

The End of an Era

Hi Everyone!

First of all - Happy Easter!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their family and friends! We sure did:)

Where do I start with this post.  The reason I haven't posted in a week is because it was an extremely hectic week. It was our final week in our townhouse and we had to be all moved out and close on the house by the end of the week. However, as of Wednesday afternoon we get a call from the realtor asking us to move the closing up to Thursday night rather than Friday morning!  Obviously my first instinct is -there is NO way!  That would mean losing a whole night that we were planning to have to do a final sweep through, cleaning, etc. Instead, we'd have to finish everything that night. As you can imagine, I was freaking out and very stressed - and as a hormonal pregnant lady, I worked myself almost to tears on my drive home knowing that was going to be our very last night, thinking about how much work had to do that night and that I lost a whole night of calling that our house.  However, we made it work, busted our you-know-what's and got it all done with the help of Kevin's mom who we were grateful to have come over to help us with the final cleaning of the place.  Here's a look at our week:

For a week and a half we were basically "camping out" in our own house - holding on as long as we could!

We finally got the place packed up and out.

Our whole lives are now in a box, and will sit and wait for the day until we come retrieve them!

I had an interesting last morning at our house.  I fell and slid on a hill that I've fallen on once before (also while pregnant...not good, but since it was more of a slide I was totally fine) taking the dog out. It was thanks to the cold rainy/snowy weather.  The reason I bring this up is because here I was all sad about leaving, and after I fell all I could think was "thank god this is the last time I have to walk Tiki down this stupid hill!"  Sometimes it takes something like to make it easier to move on and take my mind off of being sad and sentimental!  Needless to say, I had to change my pants before work.

And so it was time to officially hand over the keys and end our era on Clearbrook Court :(

That house was Kevin and my first official place together that we got after we got engaged and right before we started our lives as husband and wife. We will always hold a special place in our hearts for that townhome.  It was our home for six wonderful years and is packed full of memories along with countless days/nights hanging out with our awesome neighbors!  We may have had to say goodbye to our house, but we are happy that we made some great friends that we aren't saying goodbye to :)

It is now time to "turn the page" as a wise man once said :)  It's official that we no longer own our townhome and we are now currently residing about 10 minutes down the road with Kevin's sister and her wonderful family until the new house is ready.  They have been incredibly generous for opening their doors to us (and a LOT of our stuff!) and we look forward to having a lot of fun while living with them!  They couldn't make us feel more welcome and comfortable in their home and for that we are soooo very grateful!

As for the house, it is coming along.  As of Friday we now have a second level!  The roof frames were all built and stacked up in front of the house, so we are hopeful that we will be under roof by as early as tomorrow.  I can't wait to see it this week!  Kevin is also meeting with Guardian (who does the electronics, wiring, etc) tomorrow for a final walk-through before they install all of our wiring.

Here is how it's looking:

Note the framed roofing I was referring to sitting out front

Here's the back view of the house where our sliding glass door will be.

If there's one thing I will always remember about this past week it is this - moving sucks, BUT moving sucks even worse when doing it while 7 months pregnant!!!  I definitely don't recommend it.  Kevin has been carrying the team and has been so great at making sure I don't lift heavy things and telling me to go sit down while he does things.  But at the same time, I would still do things on my own and lift and move things because it simply needed to get done.  Boy was I exhausted!!

Lots of changes have been happening but this past week was probably the most drastic so far.  But it is one step closer to the new house and even closer to the baby.  Today marks my 30th week of pregnancy!!

Can't wait for the start of April tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura! The house is coming along beautifully! I see that Kevin is meeting with the Electricians today, make sure that he finds out exactly where the Thermostats are being placed, and more importantly make sure that they are not putting them in a middle of a wall somewhere… I know it sounds Silly but it happens ALL of the time! And it is such a pain to have them moved… Good luck with the weekly progress & Happy Dyngus Day! :-)
