Saturday, March 9, 2013

Foundation - check!


It was a fabulous end to the week.  Since stopping by on Monday (and also Tuesday) only to see the first layer of foundation built, we came by yesterday (Friday 3/8/13) to see the entire poured foundation completed! Woo hoo! My good friend Nora was right- when I told her how I was freaking out that the weather could affect how fast they do the foundation, she (who is a professional interior designer) kept assuring me that these builders prepare for those kinds of things and it will be fine.  I thank her, because she was of course 100% right! That "snow storm" we had this week didn't seem to have any impact on the foundation!

This is what we saw:

As I mentioned before, I was worried about the spacing between the houses.  This is how it's looking. MUCH better than I was thinking:

So I think we are in great shape!  I also wanted to share with you a better view of the backyard woods that we love and are looking forward to enjoying!  The woods look like they go on forever meaning that we'll have that great privacy and also hopefully some nice wildlife.  Plus, I think Tiki is going to love it too! I just hope there aren't any vicious animals like coyotes. Eeek!

While I'm feeling better about the yard, I will say I'm still extremely interested in how they are going to finish our yard.  Right now the dirt/yard around our foundation is still uneven, but all of the neighbors yards are evened out.  If ours gets nice and evened out, it will hopefully look like all of these, which I think would be perfect!  One of our first priorities when we move in is building a nice patio.

As we sit back and watch the process of the house being built, we actually can't "sit back" at all right now.  We are moving next weekend about 90% of our stuff into storage and in about 2.5 weeks Kevin, Tiki and I will be moving in with my very generous, selfless and brave sister-in-law and her whole family until the house is complete :)  So I am about to go right now to get moving on packing.  After being here for six years, I'm starting to get that sad, emotional, bittersweet feeling about the move.  We've had some really great times in this house and with our neighbors who became our good friends.  Obviously it's not like we won't see them again, but I'm going to miss sitting outside with them in the summertime grilling, having some drinks, having a firepit, etc.  Well it will be a sad day when we leave for good, but we'll have to keep our eye on the prize with this new house and get ready to start a new exciting chapter of our lives with our new little boy.  Ok, these boxes aren't going to pack themselves! I gotta get moving!

Until next to you later!

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