Monday, March 25, 2013

The wait is over

Happy Monday!

It certainly was a rough day for most of us waking up on a Monday morning (which is always rough to begin with) and dealing with all of the gross wet snow on the ground.  When will this winter end??  Last night, Kevin and I drove by the house to still see no walls up.  We did at least see some progress with the floors in on the first floor, so we knew the framing couldn't be far off.  It was at least encouraging to see the neighbor's house already under roof, when they had just started the framing early last week. However, I was still really hoping to see some walls up last week, so I can't help but say I was slightly disappointed that this was all we saw.

Take a look at what we saw yesterday (Sunday) with the floor now in:

Here's the neighbor's house as of yesterday (Sunday):

As you can imagine, I was pretty worried when I woke up to the snow this morning wondering if this was going to delay the framing process.  I am happy to report that when I drove by after work today, this is what I saw! The wait is finally over!! We have walls!!


And in just one day this is the progress on our neighbor's house:
The neighbor's house has it's little roofing over the garage and front door and all of their windows are now installed.  They sure do work fast - and I love it!  I was also happy to see that the side windows of this house actually line up with where our garage will be.  So our beautiful big kitchen windows will not look right into any windows next door, which will be nice.

Things are happening and in just a matter of days we will finally have what looks like an actual house.  I do have to say it was very exciting to walk up close to the house today and look into the bones of our new living room, dining room, family room and kitchen and know that that is OUR home!  Very fun! I was already picturing where our furniture was going, etc :)

In other news, we have now come to our very final days in our townhome.  Tear :(  Tomorrow night will be our last night sleeping here before the official move in with my inlaws. Then this weekend we head to Cleveland for Easter.  I'm excited to see my family...we haven't been in Cleveland since the first weekend in January, which is a long time for us!  I was also thinking how the last time we were there was BEFORE we even considered building this house! It's amazing how much can change in just a few months.

I'm sure we'll be driving by the house on Friday before we head out to C-town, so I am excited to see what it will look like by then. I'm sure I won't be able to stay away though and will go by almost every night this week so stay tuned for the framing updates!

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