Sunday, April 21, 2013

Drywall - FINALLY!

Hi All,

So last week was such a disappointment that I didn't even post anything.  We did our pre-drywall walk on Thursday, April 11.  On Monday and Wednesday of last week, I had plans to stop over after work, where kevin told me it wasn't worth it because the dry wall was still not up!  Yet it had been delivered and sitting in the middle of the floor.  Also as of Wednesday our exterior stone had arrived.  I finally made my way over on Thursday.  I'm not going to lie- I was close to irate!  Mostly because I went to go into the house and it was all locked up.  We never had warning when it would officially be locked and that we weren't given a key!! So I wasn't able to get in at all, and when I walked around and peeked through windows, I saw there was still no drywall up and it was just sitting on the floor!! To top things off, a house a few down that was framed about week after ours already had their exterior brick all in.  As an 8 month pregnant woman - I was very unhappy.

Kevin talked to the project manager on Friday and called him out that they did nothing this week and he basically agreed and apologized saying the drywall company was all backed up and couldn't get to it.  He also then told us that we won't be getting our own construction key and will have to get it from the office each time when it's locked up. Oy... 

At least they redeemed themselves today.  We went by expecting only the possibility of some exterior work done since the project manager said that is what they were working on this weekend.  Well, when we got there - no exterior!  We got the key in a bad mood and made our way over - only to find when we walked in...the house was FULLY DRYWALLED!!! Now we are talking!!

I feel like we are back in business!  Obviously I took a million photos that I wanted to share on here.  Enjoy:

The current exterior as of today
Front entrance, front living room and dining room
Front living room/sitting room
Dining Room
family room looking into the kitchen

family room
upstairs hall
guest bedroom
kevin's faux "man cave" room until we finish the basement
master bedroom
Master Bath (far back is the second closet)
other angle of the master bath with shower and open space for vanity & shelving

There you have it!  It's starting to look like a house now- that's for sure!

In other news, yesterday Kevin and I spent the day at our childbirth class.  Things are really starting to feel real for us with that class.  Luckily the videos weren't to scary and it did make us feel more prepared for the big day.  I just can't believe how close it is!  I'm 33 weeks as of today.  Only 4 weeks until I'm considered full term! 

How did this time fly by so fast??

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