Sunday, June 2, 2013

Moved in- it's official!

I just wanted to make a quick post to update everyone that we are officially moved in! I am typing this in bed in our brand new bedroom in the house!  Our friends and especially our families and parents did SO much to help us with the move and get settled in so quickly.  Our house is completely liveable with all of the rooms functional, blinds up, etc.  AND...I still have not had the baby!  So based on my first post ever, I said we will all get to see if we make it into the house before the baby - and we did!  His room is semi ready.  Unfortunately the nursery furniture is on backorder - but the glider is all set up along with a bassinet and rock n play sleeper and all of his other stuff from the showers.  There is obviously still a lot to do to get settled in and boxes everywhere, but I'd say we are officially in and ready for this baby at any time!  I'm so excited to be able to bring him home to the new house after we have him!

here are a few pictures of the move.  It was so busy that I didn't take many.  I'm also very happy that our parents helped us bust out painting 2 rooms - the baby's room and family room.  Here are some shots of the family room.

These were taken yesterday and it already looks worlds better and more put together.  I will post some pictures soon of it looking more put together, but for the meantime I want to conclude with - WE DID IT!!! :-)